iModel Seminar : Mohamed Id-Said - State-parameter identification in real time of nonlinear systems under limited computational ressources

Next iModel Seminar will take place on Friday, May 24 at 2pm in room C212 at Polytech Nancy.






Mohamed Id-Said will present his work done as part of his PhD.

Title : State-parameter identification in real time of nonlinear systems under limited computational ressources

A real-time identification of a nonlinear system using a numerical integration approach will be discussed. Several important constraints are taken into account, such as: limited computer resources, time-varying parameters, non-fixed sampling period, identifiability  problems, and sensitivity to the order of magnitude of physical parameters. 

During the presentation, an overview of all the methods evaluated in our previous research, as well as their complexity, will be presented in a comparison to the methods encountered in the literature. Some preliminary results on the tests made on a benchmark throttle valve from Bosch are presented. 

Keywords: Nonlinear system, real-time identification, state-parameter identification.