A look back at the doctoral seminar "Application of Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing 4.0"

On June 11 and 12, a Franco-Chinese doctoral seminar was organized by CRAN's ISET department.


42 participants (25 students and 17 directors or co-directors of thesis) from the University of Lorraine (CRAN and Loria) and Tongji University in Shanghai took the opportunity of these two days to conduct very fruitful exchanges on the industry of the future.
This event follows the visit of Li LI, Professor and Director of the College of Electronics and Information Engineering at Tongji University, who was recently invited to CRAN as part of her work on predictive maintenance.

The rich program of these two days made it possible to discuss various themes: "Machine Learning and Intelligent Computing", "Smart Manufacturing and Maintenance Optimization", "Autonomous System and Distributed Control", throughout doctoral student lectures, visits to AIPL platforms, two plenary presentations and a joint working session on the subject of "Artificial Intelligence and the Future Industry".

This seminar offered Chinese and French doctoral students the opportunity to exchange ideas about their work in order to develop common orientations, new research questions and collaborations.

Two projects are being developed between CRAN and Tongji University on predictive maintenance technologies, and some doctoral students have already established contacts to share their thesis issues.
At the end of this seminar, two doctoral students were awarded prizes for their presentations: Xiaoxiao Zhao (Tongji University) and Sara Himmiche (CRAN).

Following the success of this event and the very good feedback from the participants, this seminar will be repeated in two in Nancy or Shanghai.