18/12/2019 - 14H00
Dr Damiano Rotondo
Post-doctoral fellow at the Institute of Robotics - Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Spain)

In the framework of his visit to the CRAN from November 7th to December 23rd, Damiano Rotondo, Post-doctoral fellow at the Institute of Robotics - Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Spain) will give two seminars: on november 20th and on December 18th.


On December 18th, from 2pm to 5pm in room 215 of AIP Building, Campus Sciences, Vandoeuvre, with a presentation entitled "Model-based fault diagnosis and Fault-tolerant control".

Due to the ever increasing demand of reliability and safety of industrial systems, it is of paramount importance to detect and identify any kinds of potential abnormalities and faults as early as possible, in order to implement fault-tolerant operation which minimizes performance degradation and avoids dangerous situations. This seminar will introduce some model-based techniques for fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control: unknown input observers, interval observers and virtual sensors/actuators. Examples concerning icing detection in unmanned aerial vehicles and reference tracking in mobile robots will be used for illustrative purposes.