7 CRAN researchers among World’s Top 2% Scientists – Stanford University Releases List

The 2020 "Top 2% Scientists" ranking of the world's most cited scientists has just been published by researchers at Stanford University in the United States. Among them are seven CRAN researchers.
By examining the number of scientific publications of each researcher and their citations in the publications of other researchers, this authoritative study analyzed data from 1996 to 2019 covering approximately 7 million scientists.
The ranking of the 2% most cited includes nearly 160,000 researchers in 22 fields. 65 researchers from the University of Lorraine are members of this prestigious list, including 7 from CRAN, representing 10% of the total number of appointees at the University of Lorraine. 

Congratulations to all these colleagues who make CRAN shine at the best international level. It is a source of pride for the laboratory.